Looser Or More Loose

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Sex is always an interesting topic of conversation. Although so many people are uncomfortable with the subject, we all have questions about it.

Childbirth is a preemptive sign that you have a loose vagina. It is imperative for every woman to have a slightly loose vagina immediately after childbirth. This gets restored in due course of time. Multiple childbirths may have a more sustained effect on the elasticity of the muscles and their form. A looser is a loser who can't spell 'loser'. Ex: 'yeah you stoupid ain not scienteist even but you think you are. You are a looser.'

Here are the two similar words: loser - (noun) one who loses looser - (adjective) not as tight, more loose. As nouns the difference between looser and loser is that looser is while loser is a person who loses; one who fails to win or thrive. As an adjective looser is (loose). Lose is a verb, while loose is almost always an adjective. They're often confused because of their similar spelling. When to use lose. Lose can only be used as a verb. It describes when you 'come to be without something' (e.g., to lose a sock in the laundry) or 'to suffer defeat or fail to win' (e.g., to lose a soccer game).

One of the biggest hot topics there is in terms of sex is always regarding the supposed link between the amount of sex you have and how it will affect your vagina.

The common opinion is that virgins, those who have never had sex, will have tight vaginas whereas those who have sex often have looser ones. Apparently, virgins who begin their sexual journies will experience their vaginas getting looser over time as penetration occurs more often.

Due to the fact this opinion has been around in our society for a number of years, many women are still concerned about how sex will alter their bodies or if it will at all.

Does Penetrative Sex Make Your Vagina Looser?

Before we dive deep into this subject, talking about scientific research and societal opinions, lets first point out that everyone's body is different.

We all have our own personal body shape, size and color and this includes our vaginas. Just like the penis, vaginas come in different sizes and shapes too although it is not normally as common to expect this.

Because we all have different bodies and different sexual organs, we naturally all have different sexual preferences which may relate to the shape or size of our vaginas. This is why some women will prefer to have sex with someone who has a larger penis whereas for others this can be quite an uncomfortable and unenjoyable experience.

Youtube casino games. However, just because a particular woman may be able to accommodate a larger penis than her peers does not mean she has more sex than them. The size of a vagina is not representative of a woman's sex life, period.

Valkyrie connect odin. Women who have larger, looser vaginas may just be naturally made this way and we certainly can not fault her for that! Likewise, women who have tighter vaginas should not be shamed or assumed to be inexperienced. As we've already touched on, vagina size has nothing to do with how much or how little sex you have!

To start with, what is vaginal tightening? The vagina is a naturally contracting and expanding body part – it is essential like elastic as is can stretch in accordance with whatever is going in, for example, a penis during penetrative sex, or what can come out, like a baby during vaginal childbirth.

The vagina prepares itself for sex by becoming looser as the woman grows more sexually aroused. This is to accommodate a penis, if that is the kind of sex you are having, to ensure that it will not cause any damage and will be an enjoyable experience for both participants.

After sex or climax, when the woman is no longer sexually aroused, her vagina will actually tighten back up again into its natural size and shape – this is the way your vagina will be most of the time.

Because the vagina naturally tightens and loosens, the act of penetrative sex literally has no lasting impact on your body as long as you are safe and ensure that you are truly aroused and comfortable before intercourse.

This means that no amount of sex will make your vagina looser, as it can stretch and tighten its shape naturally in accordance with whatever your body is going through.

There are actually no physical signs or evidence on a woman's body to demonstrate whether she has had sex or to show how much sex she has. Of course, we are talking about the vagina's shape, size, and color here. Nothing will be altered or changed about this body part if you have sex or have a lot of sex, like getting looser the more you have intercourse. Anything else you hear about this subject, claiming to prove that a woman is a virgin or has a lot of sex by the way her vagina looks, is simply a myth.

There is no scientific link between a cavernous vagina and too much sex, nor is there any evidence to show the opposite. A tighter vagina does not mean that a woman is a virgin or has sex less.

Think about it like your mouth and food. Stuffing a lot of food into your mouth at once does not change the size or shape of your mouth permanently, and this is exactly what happens with the vagina during sex. It can temporarily change its size to accommodate whatever is going in or out but then will retighten back to its natural state afterward.

What Actually Does Make Your Vagina Loose?

Although there is literally no evidence to prove that sex changes to size or shape of a vagina, like making it looser, there are some factors in a woman's life that will make her vagina looser over time.

Vaginal Childbirth

If anything is going to alter the shape of your body, then pushing a 6-10 pound living baby out of a fairly small opening is certainly going to be it!

Looser than a

Vaginal childbirth can alter the shape of your vagina a great deal and can cause loosening in some circumstances.

Because of the vagina's natural elasticity, it should tighten up again post-partum. This is especially in cases of a young mother, who is between the late teens and early twenties, as their body is more capable of recovery at this young age. However, if you are giving birth at a later stage in your life, then it may be more unlikely that your vagina will recover fully again after birth.

The combination of aging vaginal muscles and the vigors of childbirth can lead to permanent loosening of the vagina for older women. This is particularly relevant to women who give birth over the age of 30.Nonetheless, although the vagina is a naturally contracting and expanding body part that is basically made for childbirth changes in the vagina can happen to anyone.

Depending on how large your body is and how much your vagina is able to naturally expand to accommodate this can cause some permanent changes in the shape or size of your vagina. Luckily, in most cases, any damage can be repaired in hospital but just be aware that although it is easy to retighten if you are young, vaginal loosening after childbirth can happen to anyone.


Aging is one of the most common and most natural ways women experience vaginal loosening. As the body grows older, and eventually weaker, over time so does your vagina.

Aging in the body causes the contractions in the vaginal muscles to weaken, which ultimately results in the vagina becoming looser over time. As the muscles in and around the vagina weaken, it is less likel

y and less able to effectively contract and expand naturally and it is this which results in an inability to retighten.

The vagina can also be impacted by aging in many other ways too. Many women report vaginal dryness, which can result in irritation and is generally uncomfortable for most, later on in life. Vaginal dryness is caused by the dropping estrogen levels that often occurs during menopause.

Middle-aged women or those going through menopause are most likely to experience vaginal loosening as they muscles become weaker as well as other changes like vaginal dryness.

How can I tighten my vagina?

One of the most popular, natural methods for your vagina is kegel exercises with tightening vaginal cream. These exercises are performed by squeezing the internal pelvic muscles.

A good way to start your kegel exercise

regime is when you go to the bathroom. Next time you're in the bathroom, deliberately stop yourself in the middle of peeing. When you squeeze your pelvic muscles, to stop the urine from coming out, you will end up strengthing you vaginal walls through this process.

Think of it like working for a particular muscle group at the gym. Just because you may be focusing on a certain area, does not mean that you will not feel the benefits elsewhere. This is exactly the same with kegel exercises except for this help strengthen and improves your internal workings, instead of showing physical changes.

Kegel exercises are most effective when performed regularly. We recommended you to perform these tightening and contracting movements several times a day for 9-11 weeks.

One last note

The most important thing to take away is the fact that the size of a woman's vagina is not representative of much more or how little sex she has.

Vaginas can naturally become looser over time due to aging, menopause or vaginal childbirth. There is absolutely no scientific proof that sex causes the vagina to become loose. But if you are concerned that you vagina is looser than before there are solutions to help tighten your vagina.

So lets put our judgments aside and stop shaming other women, and men for that matter, about how much or how little they have sex. All of our bodies are amazingly unique and different, as are out sexual desires and drives. Let's learn to love our bodies for what they are and remain grateful for the pleasures they allow us!

Female breasts and male penises come in various sizes, so do vaginas. Just as breasts are supposed to be roundish, the nipples must respond to stimulation and penises are expected to expand and contract, vaginas too are supposed to tighten and loosen up depending on various factors, most importantly hormones. While physical touch and mental stimulation seem to be the immediate stimuli, it is actually hormones, blood circulation and the elasticity of muscles that control the vaginal loosening or tightening. Vaginas are expected to loosen up during sexual intercourse or even foreplay. They are also expected to facilitate childbirth, which invariably requires the vaginal walls to move apart to make way for the baby. Likewise, vaginal walls would contract and be reasonably tight in normal circumstances.

While women can have a loose vagina, it is not owing to the hackneyed perception that having excessive sex leads to permanent stretching of the walls and labia. Sexual intercourse does not cause permanent changes to vaginal walls, the vulva or the labia among other parts of the female reproductive anatomy. Those who have a saggy vagina may be suffering from a temporary health ailment or there can be some physiological reason for the same. It is necessary to first observe if you have a loose vagina and only then can you try to figure out and understand the cause. There may be more than one cause for a loose vagina. Childbirth is a common cause. Ageing is another. Menopause is a common facilitating factor. There can be physiological disorders or deformations too. It is not wrong to find the male equivalent of a loose vagina in erectile dysfunction. Excessive sex or the lack of it has nothing to do with erectile dysfunction. The same applies to a loose vagina.

  • One of the first signs of a loose vagina is urinary stress infection. If you are experiencing urine leakage for no apparent reason, then your muscles may have lost their ability to stretch and contract. This is not necessarily a permanent condition. It may become a chronic problem but only if you do not take any remedial action. Urinary stress infection is characterized by uncontrollable leakage of urine during certain types of activities. A little bit of urine may leak when you do household chores, lift relatively heavy objects and engage in a strenuous physical activity or even when you sneeze, laugh and cough. This condition is not the same as incontinence. This is stress incontinence. The vaginal muscles facilitate the holding back of urine and prevent the bladder from empting the liquid waste. Since the muscles are unable to do so and hence causing incontinence, you may have a loose vagina.
  • If you do not have the same strength in your pelvic muscles as before, then you may want to check if you have a loose vagina. This is not just a sign but also a possible cause. The vaginal muscles would invariably depend on the strength in your pelvis to contract and expand. You can control your vaginal muscles. They are involuntary during stimulations, whether intercourse or childbirth, which is when your vaginal muscles must respond appropriately. The same vaginal muscles are also voluntary. This is the case when you urinate or perform stretching exercises. Poor pelvic strength can lead to and is also a sign of a loose vagina.

Is It Looser Or More Loose

  • Obesity is a sign of a loose vagina, not because the latter causes you to gain weight but owing to the former having an impact on the muscles. Obesity tends to impair the elasticity of your skin, the strength in your muscles and also the composition of mass & fat in all parts of the body. Even vital organs can have layers of fat deposited on them if you are too overweight or obese. If you are several pounds overweight or considerably obese, check if you have a loose vagina.
  • One of the most surefire signs of a loose vagina is the index finger test. Insert the index finger or forefinger inside your vagina and use the labia to clasp it. If the vaginal lips fail to clasp the index finger, then you are unable to contract the muscles. This invariably means you have a loose vagina. Again, this is not necessarily a permanent condition. There may be one or more hormonal imbalances, your vaginal muscles may be weak, your core and pelvic muscles may have lost their strength and there can be other issues.
  • Ageing is a cause and a sign of a loose vagina. Most women will have weaker vaginal walls and muscles as they age. There is no universal rule though. Many old women can have tighter vaginas than younger women. The opposite is also true. Many aspects of your life, from diet to bodyweight, lifestyle to frequency of sex can have an effect on the vaginal muscles.
  • Menopause is often perceived as one of the causes of a loose vagina. It indeed is but it is not for every woman. There are many women who do not have any physiological difference in their vaginas before and after menopause. Many women continue to have an active sex life after menopause, despite the tectonic changes in hormonal secretions.
  • Childbirth is a preemptive sign that you have a loose vagina. It is imperative for every woman to have a slightly loose vagina immediately after childbirth. This gets restored in due course of time. Multiple childbirths may have a more sustained effect on the elasticity of the muscles and their form.
  • A surefire sign of having a loose vagina is lack of stimulation during foreplay. If you are fondling, kissing or enjoying oral sex and you are not feeling sexually stimulated, then there may be some problems and one of them could be a loose vagina. Your inability to contract and expand the muscles will reduce the stimulation.
  • Lack of stimulation during sexual intercourse is also a surefire sign. There are many women who do not feel stimulated before sex, such as foreplay or flirting, but they do feel the penis during intercourse. Those who do not feel stimulation during foreplay and during intercourse are more likely to have a loose vagina.
  • Lack of orgasm is also a sign of a loose vagina. At times women do not experience an orgasm due to the quality of sexual intercourse but they do feel the physical motion. If you do not feel the physical motion and there is no orgasm, then it is likely you have a loose vagina.

Looser Or Loser

If you are looking for natural solutions to tighten your vagina when make sure to read this article.

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